Categories: Horror Movie News

Inside directors’ The Deep House is my nightmare

Like many of you guys out there, one of my favorite fright flicks of all time is Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo's INSIDE. And so I try to keep a close eye on the filmmaking team here at AITH. Case in point, today we have word via our buddies over at Bloody Disgusting that Maury and Bustillo's next flick will be an aquatic horror movie – pulled straight from my personal nightmares – called THE DEEP HOUSE


It has a killer premise. 

A couple of YouTubers who specialize in underwater exploration videos dive in a remote french lake to discover – get this shite – a house submerged in the deep waters. What was initially a unique finding soon turns into a nightmare when they understand the house was the scene of atrocious crimes. Trapped, with their oxygen reserves falling dangerously, Tina and Ben realize the worst is yet to come: they are not alone in the house.


That's some scary shite if you ask me! I genuinely have f*cking nightmares about JUST THIS KIND OF THING almost twice a month. Brr. Production has started on the film which stars James Jagger and Camille Rowe. Radar Films & Apollo Films will release THE DEEP HOUSE in France in 2021.

We'll let you know when we hear more about the film. In the meantime, what do YOU think of the premise (and poster) for INSIDE and LEATHERFACE directors Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo's aquatic horror movie THE DEEP HOUSE? Make sure to hit us up and let us know below!

Published by
Mike Sprague