Jon Bon Jovi saves woman from jumping off Nashville bridge

Singer Jon Bon Jovi helped save the life of a suicidal woman while he was filming his latest music video in Nashville.

Last Updated on September 17, 2024

Jon bon jovi

Jon Bon Jovi is giving love a good name, saving a woman from jumping from a bridge in Tennessee this week.

While Jon Bon Jovi isn’t currently on tour – he and his band haven’t been on the road in that sense since 2022 – he was in Nashville shooting a music video for “The People’s House” off of their album Forever, which came out in June.

In a video posted this week – which many outlets have deleted or not shown due to the sensitive nature – you can see a woman over the barrier of The John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge, just off of downtown Nashville. Jon Bon Jovi and an assistant on the music video approach the woman and speak with her for a few moments. After some time, he and the PA pull her safely back over the barrier. From there, those who were watching from a distance come closer, but it is Jon Bon Jovi who pulls the woman in for a hug, which she embraces. The woman is then guided away.

The police chief of the Nashville Metro Police Department expressed his gratitude for the actions on social media: “A shout out to @jonbonjovi & his team for helping a woman on the Seigenthaler Ped Bridge Tue night. Bon Jovi helped persuade her to come off the ledge over the Cumberland River to safety. “It takes all of us to help keep each other safe”.” Jon Bon Jovi, for his part, is apparently refusing to discuss the matter with the media.

If ever there was a hopeful story many of us could use right now, it’s that one. But this is far from being uncharacteristic of the iconic singer, who has made it one of his duties to help out those in need. A lot of it just so happens to be in and around his home state of New Jersey, as when he opened the JBL Soul Kitchen, a community restaurant which has no set prices on the menu; instead, people pay what they can afford. Previously, he started a charity which aims to reduce homelessness and poverty.

We here at would like to commend Jon Bon Jovi and his team for this swift actions that saved that woman’s life.

Source: The Tennessean

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2157 Articles Published

Mathew is an East Coast-based writer and film aficionado who has been working with periodically since 2006. When he’s not writing, you can find him on Letterboxd or at a local brewery. If he had the time, he would host the most exhaustive The Wonder Years rewatch podcast in the universe.