Before the original Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez directed SIN CITY adaptation was even released, we were hearing rumors that Angelina Jolie would star in the sequel playing the lead “Ava” in the adapted “A Dame To Kill For” story. Then rumors about the sequel slowly started dying off but Jolie was still being asked about it and she’d usually either say something like “yeah, that’d be cool, we’ll see”, or she’d say something along the lines of “I don’t know, not sure if I’m really up for it, we’ll see”. Which of course lead most of us to just forget about the whole thing since it seemed even Jolie didn’t think this movie was actually gonna happen. All this to say that Moviehole recently received some scoopage that not only is Jolie now in “serious talks” to star in the sequel but there’s been significant movement recently on getting the film closer to production. How close? Who knows. But read more about it at the above link.