Categories: Movie News

Joe Quesada says Daredevil planned as one large movie on Netflix

There was an overwhelming amount of positive responses back when it was announced that Disney and Marvel would be brining several properties to Netflix, and why not?  The fact of the matter is that it’s hard enough to get the popular comic book characters up and running in the cinematic universe, let alone some of the “second or third teir” characters.  The studio involved wants their movie to reach as many people as possible (understandably) and sometimes that results in tempering the original material.  While I don’t think many are singing praises about the R-rated version of Ben Affleck‘s DAREDEVIL, I’m sure we can agree it was the superior film.  Joe Carnahan also had some nifty ideas, but as we know, that fell through and the rights to Daredevil reverted back to Marvel.  So what kind of direction is the straight-to-Netflix show headed?  Joe Quesada recently dropped some more information that may please fans.

In regards to what they’re aiming for with Daredevil on Netflix:

Let me be clear, we’re not going into this show with the idea of trying to erase the memory of anything that came before or really any preconceived notions whatsoever. We’re going into the show trying to create something that’s incredibly exciting, incredibly engaging, and will give our fans something that they love, something that’s unexpected, something that’s going to keep them coming back for more. That’s really, ultimately, the goal of this: How do we produce a “Daredevil” TV show on Netflix, that’s going to be viewed the way that people view content on Netflix, in a way that’s going to be compelling, feels unique, while bringing something that is not only true to the character, but providing something unexpected as well.

From the sound of it, Quesada is well-aware that while there is a budget limitation, this also frees up the property so they can deliver something they couldn’t get away with in a big-budget affair. That sounds great to me, as one could imagine a gripping courtroom drama mixed with gritty film-noir aspects.

In regards to how they’re planning on writing/creating the story on Neflix:

One of the advantages is really from the planning stage — obviously it’s much easier to work with a smaller number of episodes than it is with a larger number of episodes. We can sit there and look at 13 episodes and plan it out as a very large movie. It makes seeing the bigger picture a little bit easier. You can’t deny that there will be binge-viewing. You know that there are going to be some Marvel fans that when this show premieres, they are going to go on to Netflix, and they are going to sit there for 12 to 13-plus hours, and watch the entire thing all the way through. It’s going to happen. The Netflix model offers us the advantage of being able to construct the show in a manner that is very different than a weekly network TV show. Even the way that you parse out information and reveals within the show can be different than you would on weekly TV. With weekly TV, you sit there and go, “The audience may not want to wait two or three weeks to get this particular bit of information.” Whereas with Netflix, we might be able to hold onto a particular piece of information, because they may just watch it two hours later. It’s a different kind of construction. The simplest way to put it in comic book terms is that it’s the difference between writing a monthly comic series as opposed to writing a graphic novel. You can tell the same story within the same page count in both formats, but you may parse out that information or construct your story differently because of how it’s going to be delivered and consumed.

With the popularity of Arrested Development (Season 4), Orange is the New Black, and House of Cards, Quesada is well aware that viewers are binge-watching shows, and how that should affect the formula of how they’re developing the show. With writer/executive producer Drew Goddard (THE CABIN IN THE WOODS, THE SINISTER SIX) in tow, it sounds like they’re approaching this series from exactly the right angle. There’s plenty of TV shows based on comic properties in the works, but I have a feeling Marvel will pull off something special here to have the man without fear stand out.

Daredevil, along with Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and Iron Fist, are looking to hit Netflix sometime in 2015

Published by
Sean Wist