Categories: Horror Movie News

JJ Abrams coming out of the closet with a new teen thriller!

Remember that game back in grade school where you were put into a closet with a female, told to do “whatever” before being cut off from daylight for seven minutes and basically waited the deal out instead of sucking face with your friendly counterpart? I don’t but apparently J.J. Abrams and Jack Bender (CHILD’S PLAY 3) do. The social game of all social games called 7 Minutes of Heaven has caught the interest of LOST masterminds J.J. Abrams and Jack Bender, who directed the final episode of that crazy ass series. If you’re still wet with excitement over Abram’s latest marketing scheme then this is going to get your gears turning.

J.J. Abrams and his league of bad robots are trying to develop a new thriller that pretty much takes the sexiness of being alone in the closet with another chick and throws that into the meat grinder. Want the down-low? Two unsuspecting teens will venture into the closet together to partake in the wilds of adolescence only to come out after seven minutes and find all of their friends stone cold dead. Sounds like a spicy twist if I ever heard one. It certainly adds more to the game that I was never good at anyway. Hell, I’d rather face this puppy than endure another seven minutes of thumb twiddling and awkward pauses of deep and “meaningful” looks.

Like most of the projects in development at Bad Robot, not much is known about this teen horror or if the title will be called “7 Minutes of Heaven”. So far they’re searching high and low for a writer to tackle the beast. Fortunately a director has already been found. No, it’s not the Abrams. Jack Bender, who has been a long time collaborator with Bad Robot, is going to call the shots. Bender is already attached to direct the new Tom Clancy film MOSCOW so I’m not sure how soon after he’ll be able to start working on “Heaven”. So what do you think about watching a film involving a bunch of horny/ soon to be dead teens? Could you wrap your lips around this monster of an idea?

The legs of LOST: Evangeline Lilly. 

Published by
Moises Hernandez