Jeff Goldblum’s Grandmaster going to bother Darryl in Team Thor short

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

Those TEAM THOR short films directed by Taika Waititi, starring Thor and his flatmate Darryl during the events of CIVIL WAR, were hilarious! And judging by how goofy the MCU can be sometimes (Howard the Duck, anyone), it might even be canon. I kind of hope so, as I'm always a fan of that mixture of the supernatural and mundane.

Well it looks like we're getting more Darryl, as Jeff Goldblum revealed to Radio Times (where he talked about post-credit sequences, so click the link at your own peril):

I shot a thing with Taika, where there’s a roommate in Australia. I show up at his, and I do knock on his door. And I take up residence in the little flat, as they say here. That’s what I do. And order things from the takeaway restaurant. Buy all the local foods.

More Darryl and more Goldblum? Did Christmas come early?

Meanwhile you can next see Jeff Goldblum as The Grandmaster in THOR: RAGNAROK on November 2nd.

Source: Radio Times

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