Categories: Horror Movie News

Jason Statham is in talks to join giant shark thriller Meg

The giant shark thriller MEG, based on the Steve Alten book of the same name, already let its director get away, replacing Eli Roth with NATIONAL TREASURE's Jon Turteltaub. But Roth is one of the lucky ones. MEG will not be ignored, and the next victim ready to be snapped up in its jaws is Jason Statham.

Statham, the action hero from the TRANSPORTER and CRANK franchises, is in early talks to star in the flick. If he brings his indelible brand of gruff badass charm to MEG, how could it not be one of the best movies of the year? Especially if he brings the comic chops he proved once again with last year's SPY, it'll certainly be one to watch out for, if it can ever get its fins off the ground.

MEG is about:

an attempt to kill a giant shark killing swimmers along the China coast. They figure out it’s Megaladon, considered one of the largest and most powerful predators in history, can reach a maximum length of 60 feet.

Dean Georgaris penned the most recent draft of the script. More on this story as it breaks!

Published by
Brennan Klein