Categories: Movie News

Is Hayley Atwell gearing up to star in the Peggy Carter spin-off series?

Remember when we were talking about the possibility of a Peggy Carter series on ABC? Before the project wasn’t greenlit nor did it lock Hayley Atwell to reprise her role, but according to The Mirror sources are giving thumbs up across the board.

The source states that Atwell is on, and that the project is a major one with a huge budget for Marvel. Back in October, the actress said this about the fan interest in her returning to the role in a series:

“I read about that too. The one-shot was so successful, the fanbase were like, ‘We want more of Peggy!’. I think Marvel probably take that very seriously, and it’s certainly something I would be a part of doing. I’d be interested to show different sides of Peggy. I think she could be a great role model and a great member of the Marvel Universe. I love the Marvel lot, they’re really great people to work with, so it would be nice to go back and work with them again. I’d definitely do it.”

If this is true, it’s certainly a huge deal not only for the Marvel Universe but fans as well. Not many females have lead their own comic based series, and Carter is the perfect character for something like this. The show is said to premiere Fall 2014.

Published by
Niki Stephens