Interview: West of Memphis Director Amy Berg!

Amy Berg is a very talented documentary filmmaker. So much so that before she took on continuing the story that began with the HBO PARADISE LOST films, she wanted to make sure it was something she believed in. It ends up that she did believe in the innocence of the West Memphis Three – Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelley and Jason Baldwin. Thus she wanted to take on WEST OF MEMPHIS, the documentary produced by Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh (LORD OF THE RINGS) in hopes to raise awareness and truly investigate the heartbreaking murder of Michael Moore, Stevie Edward Branch and Christopher Byers.

It was truly a pleasure when I spoke to Amy (DELIVER US FROM EVIL). We chatted about being approached to take on this story. During our discussion we talked about a man that they focus on in the film who seems to be a very clear suspect who was never initially investigated. WEST OF MEMPHIS is a mesmerizing account of this story. It brings up new information while still looking back on what we knew before Damien, Jason and Jessie agreed to the Alford Plea – where they can say they are innocent but they must plead guilty. I’d personally like to thank Damien Echols, Lorri Davis and of course Amy Berg for taking the time to talk to us at WEST OF MEMPHIS opens on Christmas in limited release.


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3159 Articles Published

JimmyO is one of’s longest-tenured writers, with him reviewing movies and interviewing celebrities since 2007 as the site’s Los Angeles correspondent.