Interview: Melissa Barrera, Tommy Dewey, and more talk Your Monster

JoBlo talks to the Your Monster cast about their horror romcom, the emotive makeup, and, of course, the Ron Perlman Beast comparisons.

Last Updated on November 4, 2024

I have a soft spot in my cold dark heart for a well-done romantic comedy. When Harry Met Sally, 10 Things I Hate About You, and 500 Days of Summer all manage to be interesting while presenting a fun love story. Well-made ones are few and far between, mind you, but they scratch a certain itch. So to see Scream‘s Melissa Barrera and Casual‘s Tommy Dewey combine forces for one in the horror space, and you’ve got my interest. Then add in a Monster that looks like Ron Perlman from 90’s TV’s Beauty and the Beast and it feels like Your Monster was made just for me.

I was lucky enough to talk to the cast and director about all things Your Monster. Melissa Barrera and I got into what it’s like to maintain a believable romance when your scene partner looks like a monster (spoilers: she thought he was hot), while Tommy Dewey got into the difficulties of emoting in the makeup. Edmund Donovan and Kayla Foster have unique roles in the film, and Edmund gets into what it’s like to avoid the humanity of such an evil character. Writer/director Caroline Lindy then confirms whether or not the design of the monster was based on Perlman’s Beast. These chats were a blast and showed there was a lot of love on set when making this film. So make sure you check out the interview above!

Your Monster plot:

Your Monster tells the story of the soft-spoken actor Laura Franco (Melissa Barrera), who is dumped by her longtime boyfriend (Edmund Donovan) while recovering from surgery and retreats to her childhood home to recover. With her future looking bleak, insult is added to injury when Laura discovers her ex is staging a musical that she helped him develop. But out of these gut-wrenching life changes emerges a monster (Tommy Dewey) with whom she finds a connection, encouraging Laura to follow her dreams, open her heart, and fall in love with her inner rage.


Your Monster

About the Author

344 Articles Published

Tyler Nichols is a horror fanatic who resides in Michigan and is always on the hunt for the next great film. When not scouring the internet for movie news, he is usually off watching something dark, writing nonsensical musings, or playing in some fantastical video game world. While horror takes up most of his time, he still makes time for films of all types, with a certain affinity for the strange and unusual. He’s also an expert on all things Comic Book Cinema. In addition to reviews and interviews here on, Tyler also helps with JoBlo Horror Originals where he’s constantly trying to convince viewers to give lesser-known horror films a chance.