Categories: Movie News

INT: Ladies of Evil Dead

The Arrow
The Ladies of Evil Dead

Evil Dead’s
initial release in 1982, Bruce Campbell (Ash) and Sam
Raimi (director) have been the two names mostly associated to
the long lasting classic. But what about the ladies?
Betsy Baker (Linda), Ellen Sandweiss
(Sheryl) and Sarah York (Shelly)?
How come we don’t hear about them? Well, the good news is that the ladies of Evil Dead have
recently surfaced out of the cellar through their
Official Site and
appearances at conventions. And of course, Arrow had the chance to
chit chat with them. Here’s what they had to say…

ARROW: How does it feel
to meet the fans at the conventions? Does it blow your mind that the
little movie you shot in the woods so long ago is still bringing you


It is so great to,
after all these years, be able to meet and talk with

the fans! We have a blast hearing all about their “Evil Dead”
stories, how many times they’ve seen it, their ‘first’ experience
watching it, where they saw it, who they were with, and how many

they’ve had!! And yes, it is unbelievable that it is still
such a popular and well-loved classic — but I’m thrilled that it


It’s wonderful to
finally meet the fans, and yes, it absolutely blows my mind. I
actually wish that I had known I could get this recognition a little
earlier than 20 years after the film was released, but perhaps in a
way the waiting has

made it all the more


Most of the fans are really friendly, intelligent people and I
thoroughly enjoy reminiscing about

filming Book of the Dead. I have to call the movie that
because that’s how I

knew it first. I think when it

first premiered in Michigan it was still being called Book of the
Dead. It’s a lot of fun being part of

something that is so
legendary, it reminds me of being a kid and being the only one who
could wiggle

ears, it gave me a lot of favorable attention, who wouldn’t like
that! Also, it’s an icebreaker when I

read for
casting directors, as they look at my resume many will say, “Evil
Dead! That’s my favorite movie”!! And then they have lots of
questions about the shoot.

ARROW TO BETSY: I must admit that your eerie, head-tilting,
maniacal laugh was the prime reason for many of my childhood
nightmares. Was there an inspiration for that laugh? Did Sam direct
you into it?

How did it come about? Do you still exercise it at
times, maybe upon


First of all,
I just want to say…I’m so sorry you had so many nightmares–
I hope that by now you


through those horrible scary nights. (Hmmm… or would I have???) I really didn’t have an inspiration

the laugh prior to shooting– Sam and I really didn’t know how the
scene was actually going to progre


We decided to make Linda
a sweet, seemingly innocent, baby-doll monster once she gets
so for the next few nights of rehearsal, this sickening-sweet
infantile giggle started to emerge. Sam liked
it, asked me to giggle longer and harder and

louder, and in the end
this horrible, eerie laugh emerged that wouldn’t stop. I HAVE been
asked a number of times to do Linda’s laugh at public appearances
and at conventions, and it’s
always met with resounding screams and applause — go figure!!

ARROW TO ELLEN: Did any of the staged horror you went through on
the Evil Dead set ever follow you home? How did you sleep at night
during or after the shoot?

I’ve never really been one to frighten easily, and after all, it was
just a movie, with karo syrup blood and rubber body parts. My
difficulty in sleeping during the actual filming resulted more from
a messed-up internal clock, due to the all-night shooting schedule.

ARROW TO SARAH: What was the hardest scene you had to shoot? The
one that frustrated
you the most?

Let me see, what was the hardest scene to shoot: Could it be the one
where I’m “singing” solo

(the song Sam wrote) in the car as we’re driving to the fateful
cabin, or is it the scene where we’re

making frozen strawberry daiquiris and Bruce makes a
rather lame toast and we all had to laugh real

hard, or maybe the scene where I’m looking passionately into
Scotty’s eyes hoping that he’ll protect m

from the evil “Book of the Dead”…perhaps, it’s the scene where my
body parts are strewn around the
cabin floor, dismemberment is never easy to do…that’s the one!

ARROW TO BETSY: Were you disappointed that you weren’t asked back
for “Evil Dead 2”? I
mean, they re-shot the chain of events from Evil Dead but with
another ac

playing Ash’s
girlfriend. How did that make you feel?

That’s a
question I’ve been asked many times. Actually, Sam and Rob

(Tapert) DID
ask me to
portray Linda again in Evil Dead 2. They phoned me one day in
the spring of 1986, and asked if we
could meet for breakfast. I was a wee bit leery, since that’s
how we first met

before shooting Evil Dead

back in Detroit!! We met at a local
diner in L.A., and talked and laughed about old times. They
were going to start shooting Evil Dead 2 later in the year, and
asked if I would be interested.

But you
see, at

the same time, my husband and I were expecting our first
child, and as we all talked and
reminisced throughout the morning, we all agreed I might be in the
middle of

during the middle of filming. As it turned out, we had a
beautiful baby girl –they started on the

movie — and the rest is
history!! Looking back, it would have been lots of fun to
have continued in the

trilogy as Ash’s girlfriend — but our
daughter is one of the greatest
accomplishments in my life — next to our son!!

ARROW TO ELLEN: One of the more controversial scenes in the film
involves your character

being raped by trees. Looking back, what can you tell us about how
it was shooting that

specific scene?


Controversial? You really think so? Looking back, I can tell you I
cold, tired, scraped up,
and choking from the fake fog. However, I was also very
committed to doing a good acting job, so I was intent on playing the
scene to the hilt by running as fast as I could and scaring the hell
out of everyone. Think it worked?

SARAH: How was the atmosphere on set? Did you gals laugh a lot? Was
it nerve wracking? Was Bruce a funny guy?

We were all
pretty relaxed, or should I say exhausted! After the third day of
shooting it was mostly night shoots and who knew when you would
sleep or eat. Does prison ring a bell?

ARROW: What do you ladies do for a living today? Is the acting
bug still biting on occasion?

I continued acting after “Evil Dead”, in TV movies and commercials,
including working with great actors such as Karl Malden and John
(“Word of Honor”), Dudley Moore, and Mary Tyler Moore (“Six Weeks”).
I also performed on stage for months as Marion the librarian in
“Music Man”, and have toured with Kaye Ballard and Eddie Bracken. I
have done voice-overs and looping for films and television, and have
my own business that supplies dressing rooms and motor
homes for commercials

and videos. These days, while raising our two
children, I teach vocal music at local elementary schoo

and am auditioning once again for commercials and film work.

currently raising two teenaged children and running a manufacturers’
agency with my husband. Occasionally when the spirit moves me, I’ll
do a theatre or singing gig. I’ve also done some local (Detroit)
commercials and voice-overs. Lately, I spend a fair amount of time
my Evil Dead cohorts, traveling around to conventions and meeting
the fans.

I try to blend
raising my family with my work. I have been the voice for many
network promos, such as Ally Mc Beal, Days of Our Lives, Temptation
Island and Six Feet Under

I do act in commercials both voice and body (all parts included); a
few are running right now. I have
several independent movies in my credits and some co starring
television roles.

ARROW: Have you seen any
of the Evil Dead sequels? If so, what did you think?

[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]
have only seen Evil Dead 2, and what can I say? A classic is a
classic – Evil Dead reigns—–!!!

Published by
The Arrow