Infested trailer gives preview of spider-filled French thriller from the next Evil Dead director

The Shudder streaming service has unveiled a trailer for the French thriller Infested, from the director of the next Evil Dead movie

Director Sébastien Vanicek’s debut feature Infested, a spider-filled French thriller that was formerly known as Vermin, won’t be released through the Shudder streaming service until April 26th, but it has already proved to be impressive enough to those who have already seen it (like Sam Raimi) that it landed Vanicek the job of directing the next Evil Dead movie. In anticipation of the Shudder release, a trailer for Infested has made its way online, and you can check it out in the embed above.

 Shudder will be streaming the film in North America, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand.

Scripted by Vanicek and Florent Bernard, Infested has the following synopsis: Kaleb is about to turn 30 and has never been lonelier. He’s fighting with his sister over a matter of inheritance and has cut ties with his best friend. Fascinated by exotic animals, he finds a venomous spider in a bazaar and brings it back to his flat. It only takes a moment for it to escape and reproduce, turning the whole place into a dreadful web trap.

Théo Christine, Finnegan Oldfield, Jérôme Niel, Sofia Lesaffre, and Lisa Nyarko star.

Vanicek provided The Hollywood Reporter with the following statement: “The idea was always to make a movie that’s worth your ticket, a spectacle worth showing up for. To make a film to blow your mind, your ears, and to hit you in the gut. It’s also a very personal film which depicts French suburbs I know, far from the eeriness of the auteur films or the caricature of the comedies. It’s a genre film that shakes you to your core, moves you, makes you shiver, because it seems to me that through emotions you end up concerned and involved.

Shudder’s Emily Gotto added, “Infested terrifies, on a multitude of levels. The film is full of horror, suspense and some serious bite. Sébastien is an incredibly talented director, and we are thrilled to bring his feature film debut to the Shudder audience.

Infested is coming our way from Charades and WTFilms. It was produced by Harry Tordjman of My Box Films.

What did you think of the Infested trailer? Will you be watching this movie when it reaches Shudder? Let us know by leaving a comment below.


Source: Arrow in the Head

About the Author

Cody is a news editor and film critic, focused on the horror arm of, and writes scripts for videos that are released through the JoBlo Originals and JoBlo Horror Originals YouTube channels. In his spare time, he's a globe-trotting digital nomad, runs a personal blog called Life Between Frames, and writes novels and screenplays.