Categories: Movie News

Iman Vellani recalls Samuel L. Jackson’s instruction to elbow him during a fight scene for The Marvels

Meeting your heroes is often intimidating, especially if they ask you to hit them with your best shot. Now that the SAG-AFTRA strike is over, Iman Vellani is making the rounds to promote Marvel Studios’ The Marvels, an adorable and action-packed adventure featuring a trifecta of powerful superheroes, including Captain Marvel (Brie Larson), Captain Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris), and Ms. Marvel (Iman Vellani). Speaking about the experience on Late Night with Seth Meyers, Vellani describes a hilarious interaction with Samuel L. Jackson, who plays Nick Fury in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

Discussing the situation with Meyers, Vellani told the late-night host that Jackson asked her to elbow him with all her might while filming a fight scene. The nerve-racking request came after Vellani tried improvising a high-five with Jackson, and the seasoned actor had some advice for his young co-star.

“I was doing a fight scene with him and wanted to try something new,” Vellani told Meyers. “So, I high-fived him at the end of the scene. Creative choices, people! Then we cut, and Sam says, ‘They won’t use that take. Do you know why they won’t use that take? Your hand. It was covering your face.'” After apologizing for ruining the shot, Jackson asked Vellani to elbow him. At the end of the take, Vellani elbowed Jackson nervously. “After we cut, he [Jackson] says, ‘No, no, no, no, elbow me,'” Vellani recalls. Try as she might, Vellani couldn’t summon the strength to give Jackson a wind-knocking poke in the chops.

You can watch Vellani tell the story with more enthusiasm below:

Don’t worry, Iman! I would find it impossible to elbow Jackson, too! That brilliant man could turn my hair white with one daggered stare, and I’d probably thank him for it. Thankfully, Jackson sounds like a great sport and instructor for actors breaking into the biz. If anyone can shoot straight with you about what it takes to make it in Hollywood, it’s a beloved actor with over 200 acting credits.

How would you react if Samuel L. Jackson asked you to put your back into elbowing him during a fight scene? Would you pull your punches, so to speak, or lay into him with all you’ve got? Let us know in the comments below.

The Marvels, starring Iman Vellani, Samuel L. Jackson, Brie Larson, and Teyonah Parris, is now in theaters!

Published by
Steve Seigh