So you’re taking your bike out for a nice ride out on the alps. It’s sunny and nice outside, everything’s going well…then you meet locals who would love to murder you five times over.
Oh and your day’s just getting started.
That’s exactly the kind of stuff you’d expect from the latest foreign flick coming our way. IFC Films has already acquired the rights to the film SHADOW and it seems IFC might also distribute that little sucker sometime in the near future.
The English-lingo Italian horror pic is produced by Massimo Ferrero, and stars Jake Muxworthy (“Borderland”) and Karina Testa (“Frontier(s).”), and follows the story of a young soldier who goes on a mountain-biking excursion in the Alps only to be met with a group of violent locals who want him dead.
Sounds like a cool premise to me if I ever heard one. Strike down below and let us know what you think. Being that he’s a soldier and all, should we expect something similar to the Video Game RESIDENT EVIL 4? I’m hoping so but waiting is all we can do on this one. At least we can expect to see a lot of hurt on his end and that makes for a fine flick indeed.