Categories: Movie News

MOVIE POLL: How much $$$ will Avengers: Endgame finish with at the domestic box office?

How much $$$ will Avengers: Endgame finish with at the domestic box office?

More than $800 million
46.41% = 660 votes

Between $700 million and $750 million
14.42% = 205 votes

Between $750 million and $800 million
13.57% = 193 votes

Between $650 million and $700 million
8.65% = 123 votes

Between $600 million and $650 million
5.06% = 72 votes

Between $550 million and $600 million
3.87% = 55 votes

Between $500 million and $550 million
2.46% = 35 votes

Less than $400 million
2.39% = 34 votes

Between $400 million and $450 million
1.90% = 27 votes

Between $450 million and $500 million
1.27% = 18 votes

TOTAL VOTES = 1422 votes
Published by
Dave Davis