Visceral torture bondage

Last Updated on July 26, 2021

Well, how about a nicely f*cked-up, bondage-themed, torture-iffic trailer for your Friday viewing? At least, I hope this is a trailer… and not some friggin’ snuff film. The flick is called VISCERAL and the only reason for my “snuff suspicion” is because there isn’t a lot of info listed on it. No plot synopsis, no stars, no writer. At least I found the director’s name: Felipe Eluti, but who the F is that? I tried doing an image search for the guy and the first thing that came up was the pic you see above. What’s up with that? I only ask because if VISCERAL (hopefully) isn’t a snuff film, then it looks pretty darn bad-ass!

Of course, I will let you, my fellow gorehounds, be the true judge of quality. We’ve got the trailer for you over at our videos section. You need only to click on the link below to get your view on. As I stated before, there is no plot synopsis to speak of, however, after watching the trailer, here is what I could surmise:

And please understand that this summary is in my own words and will in no way sound official: Some f*cked-up whacko likes keeping pretty girls tied up and taped up within the confines of his home. Said girls, surprisingly, don’t like this at all because it is most likely going to lead to their own grisly demise.

How do you like that? Does it tempt you to check out the trailer? Do I have a career in plot summaries? Regardless, that is the best idea I can give you of what will be in store if you click the link directly below. Enjoy.

Source: AITH

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