TV Review: The Exorcist (Season 1, Episode 8)

Last Updated on July 31, 2021


THE DISH: Regan decides to get involved in the demonic exorcism of her daughter, meanwhile Father Egan isn't met so kindly when trying to voice the nefarious happenings in his church.


THE DICE-UP: Another Friday means another episode of Fox's retooling of THE EXORCIST, and this chapter entitled The Griefbearers put the Rance family face to face with the demon. Yes, the two priests couldn't hold out any longer, and now Regan, Henry, Katherine and Chris all know that Cat has been besieged by a malefic energy. Problem is, the demon's vocal tone is so laughably wrong and wisecracking that it does not muster much true terror whatsoever. The demon insults Henry and Kat before tossing them around the room a bit. Keane Ortega and Bernadette are left to do the dirty work, but time is running out. Casey has thick green spume leaking from her maw. Keane and Ortega go at each other's throats, pushing and shoving and the like. Their ultimate decision? Let Regan give it a go and save her own child. At first blush, the demon changes into a more sinister voice and begins berating Regan on the spot. He brings up the sore spot of an abortion Regan had years prior, and despite the hurt, Regan refuses to believe her little girl is fully enveloped in evil. A nasty showdown is bound to happen soon!

Bur first, Angela is transported back to when she was a child. Regan, playing a Ouija game, summons her own demon which now, in the present, speaks to grown up Regan. The demon is now manifested as a creepy looking Captain, replete with small bird on his shoulder. The young version of Regan drools in her seat, the demon explains that "because you were under my feet, bitch" as the reason why Regan was targeted all those years ago. This provides just the rage needed, as Casey thrashes and writhes back and forth, to conjure the strength to perhaps defeat the demon. Keane and Ortega are still on hand, feverishly spouting scripture, but to no avail. Angela steps in and gives a hard-line effort, which seems to work for the time being. True, Casey snaps out of her demonic hold for a tick, even gets transported out of the monastery to the hospital. Keane and Ortega celebrate. But come on, with two more chapters, we know damn well the shite ain't over. By chance, Keane catches a plot on TV news about a papal assassination attempt. Oretga is confronted for committing adultery by Jess' new beau.

Father Egan seeks refuge with the Regos, who patch him up and help with a plan of recourse. He damn sure isn't gonna sit back and let the high church brass to conduct gross misconduct in the form of cremating harvested organs for their own nefarious purposes. He places an anonymous call to the cops and enlists the help of a confidant, a Frenchman with high rank. When Egan confesses that the papal commission has been funneling funds through a defunct construction company and using the money to pay for demonic congregations. The French dude seems to want to help, but no sooner Egan has his head swaddled by a plastic bag. Turns out even the high-higher ups are in on the conspiracy. What now? It seems Keane is going to have to reckon with this, seeing clues at the bar and knowing that the church is capable of just as much evil as the demon itself. But honestly, the best and most shocking part of the episode came at the end. Turns out the reason why Casey seemed okay was because Regan suffered demonic transference. That's right, Regan once again has the demon inside her, and to prove it, following a touching moment with Chris, suddenly grabs her mom by the neck and violently twists it until it snaps like a twig. Grandma dead as door-nails!

All in all, a pretty solid episode. I liked how Regan took the onus off her daughter and assumed the plight of demonic possession herself. I always knew it would take Regan to save Casey, but this is not exactly how I envisioned it. I also liked how the conspiracy of the high ranking church officials continues to develop, if for no other reason than to shine the light on how corrupt and evil even the church can be in the name of religion. Cult like shite. Of course, the showstopper of Chris getting her neck snapped was a pretty shocking moment that carried a lot of emotional heft. I do wonder, moving forward, how much longer Regan will continue to bear the brunt or if Casey will once again face the demonic wrath. Perhaps it's now Kat's turn to catch hell. That'd be a nice change of pace if nothing else.


  • The demon insults Henry and Kat
  • The demon infiltrates Regan's being and commits the murder of her own mother

CREEPIEST MOMENT: For me the creepiest moment occurred in the flashback to Regan as a child. The way the kid was drooling in a fugue state while the demon berated the grown version of the woman was truly unnerving.

THE CONFESSIONAL: I must confess, I seriously did not see the demonic transference from Casey to Regan. Should have. Dumb not to. Of course, this lent further shock when Regan up and broke her own mother's neck and sent her flailing down the stairs. Well done!

Source: AITH

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5387 Articles Published

Jake Dee is one of JoBlo’s most valued script writers, having written extensive, deep dives as a writer on WTF Happened to this Movie and it’s spin-off, WTF Really Happened to This Movie. In addition to video scripts, Jake has written news articles, movie reviews, book reviews, script reviews, set visits, Top 10 Lists (The Horror Ten Spot), Feature Articles The Test of Time and The Black Sheep, and more.