Last Updated on February 29, 2024
WARNING: The following trailer is in Spanish, with no subtitles.
There I just had to get that out of the way. I was unaware of that until I hit play myself. I guess I should have known by the video’s title being in Spanish and all, but whatever, the point is below you can peep the very first trailer for the American remake of INSIDE.
Now some of you may know but the original French home invasion splatter flick INSIDE is one of my favorite horror movies of all time. No lie. It is actually one of the few films I have been known to label as “perfect” – along with ALIEN, JAWS and TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE (among a select few others) – and I stand by that statement. That said, you can imagine my apprehension at a remake of the movie.
But then I heard it was coming from the director of KIDNAPPED and my interest was piqued as KIDNAPPED is another amazing home invasion tale. Then super hottie Rachel Nichols joined the cast along with MULHOLLAND DRIVE’s Laura Harring and I jumped into the “let’s check this one out” category.
Today we have the first trailer for the flick to share and while it doesn’t do much for me it is still interesting to see scenes I have witnessed countless times replayed with new settings and actors. Also, the trailer seems to be going for a super-creepy vibe and for the most part I dig it.
On a strange note, there is currently no word on the remake’s US release. The film premiered at the 2016 Sitges Film Festival and we have seen some sales art, which you can peep below. Now we have a Spanish trailer yet still zero news on a US release. But we’ll let you know when we hear anything.
INSIDE remake synopsis:
Pregnant and depressed, a young widow tries to rebuild her life following the fateful car accident where she lost her husband and partially lost her hearing. Now, about to go into labor, she’s living in a remote house in the suburbs when, one Christmas night, she receives an unexpected visit from another woman with a devastating objective: to rip the child she’s carrying from inside her. But a mother’s fury when it comes to protecting her child should never be underestimated. Rachel Nichols and Laura Harring play the two main roles in this brutal and bloody hand-to-hand combat.
INSIDE remake is directed by Miguel Ángel Vivas from a script by Jaume Balagueró & Manu Díez and stars Rachel Nichols (see below) and Laura Harring.
Let us know what you think of the Spanish trailer, the original French film, and/or this upcoming remake, or remakes in general on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!

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