Stylish trailer released for true crime story Mope about porn star killers

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

MOPE isn't a slang term I've heard before, but is apparently defined as " a bottom feeder who 'mopes' around a pornography studio hoping for his big break and often does bit parts in exchange for room and board and meager pay.", which is what the upcoming true crime drama of the same name is about…only it's also about one of these "mopes" going on a bloody killing spree with a samurai sword.

If that description intrigues you (as it did me), you can watch the trailer for the film at the top of the article, while you can read the official synopsis below:

In the multibillion-dollar world of pornography, the term mope refers to a low-level, wannabe porn actor. They're the lowest of the low, hanging around sets and taking on menial jobs with aspirations of becoming huge stars. In this tragic true story, Stephen Clancy Hill and Herbert Wong, respectively known by their porn alter egos Steve Driver and Tom Dong, were two such mopes–real-life best friends attempting to live the impossible dream, but the blurred line between reality and delusion ultimately sent them both tumbling down a path of destruction.

Honestly, color me intrigued! The porn industry seems like a ripe setting for a true crime story, and – even better – the film seems to be focusing on the characters as people first, while the more salacious aspects (which are undoubtedly there, if that's what you're looking for) second.

Meanwhile, MOPE – directed by Lucas Heyne and starring Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, Kelly Sry, Brian Huskey, and David Arquette – was released last year at the Sundance film festival, but is hoping to find official distribution later this year.


Source: Arrow in the Head

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