RA: Dead Heat

Last Updated on July 27, 2021

DEAD HEAT (1988)

Rating: 4 on 4 /

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Tag Line: You can’t keep a good cop dead!

Directed by Mark Goldblatt
Starring Treat Williams, Joe Piscopo, Vincent Price

THE PLAN Zombies are robbing jewelry stores in the city of Los Angeles and it’s up to a couple of cops to crack the case. But when one of the cops is murdered (via a decompression chamber), his partner uses a ‘Resurrection Machine’ to bring him back in an attempt for the murdered cop to find out who killed him.

THE KILL: I never really knew who Treat Williams was until the day I sat down and watched DEAD HEAT–and I’ve been a fan of the guy ever since. Anyone who can pull off being the star of a hardcore 80s action movie involving gunfights with criminal zombies with a (semi) straight face has to be a-ok! The guy has this dry comedic style that has been attempted but never duplicated, as seen in some of his other awesome on-screen adventures such as DEEP RISING and THE SUBSTITUTE sequels.

When this column was first created in August of 2007, one of the films in knew I wanted to do right away was Mark Goldblatt’s zombie buddy cop action movie DEAD HEAT. Here we are, over a year later, and as we’re coming up on the Halloween holiday, I felt this was the perfect time to bust out with some kick-ass DEAD HEAT action. You would think that, because the film features zombies and zombie/monster hybrids, this flick would be more ‘horror’ than ‘action,’ but that is simply not the case. The best way to describe DEAD HEAT is a buddy cop / action / comedy–with zombies. And that spells nothing but good times ahead!

Do not f*ck with a dead Treat Williams.

I would go so far as saying DEAD HEAT is the ultimate buddy cop action comedy zombie movie. Why? Four reasons: One, the comedic / action packed dynamics of Joe Piscopo and Treat Williams. This duo rivals that of Murtagh and Riggs, but with tighter shirts, curlier mullets, and a knack for uttering one-liner after one-liner after one-liner. That’s skill right there! While Williams is the star of this show, Piscopo does his part to be the ‘badass’ and the ‘comedic relief’ at the same time.. a feat that’s no small task to accomplish–yet he does so impeccably.

Two, the flick features zombie thugs recruited to knock of jewelry stores. Seriously? You haven’t lived until you’ve seen a police shoot-out where the bad guys are already dead! The flick starts off with a bang and keeps up its momentum throughout, all the way to the zombie laboratory finale. When Williams’ detective Roger Mortis (ha—get it) dies and is brought back to life, this flick goes from your average 80s action flick to something on a whole new level. See, cause he’s dead, and yet he’s still plowing away, using his death to his advantage while trying to solve his own murder. Talk about hardcore!

The return of Fat Bastard! Look out!

Three, likable bad guys. Vincent Price plays the mastermind millionaire behind the zombie thieves. That guy is just too cool for school, and it was nice to see him rocking the screen in his usual style–one of his last performances, and one to be proud of. Darren McGavin, who’s been in a buttload of flicks over the years, rocks as the evil Doctor carrying out the millionaire’s plan. He’s a bad guy, but one you’re not too afraid of… sure, you hate his guts, and he’s an utterly a greasy slimeball, but that’s besides the point! You wanted likable villains, you got two of ’em here!

And four, the action is unflinchingly violent and over the top, with blood splurting all over the place like ammo in a ketchup fight. Maybe it’s because the perps getting shot are also zombies–either way, they get away with way more blood and gore than a regular 80s action movie should. Throw in a couple of exploding cars, an ambulance crash, and a shoot out or two, and you have yourself all kinds of action greatness!

Bonus: while she’s hot in that late 80s / early 90s kind of way, Lindsay Frost does a decent job as the film’s love interest. You almost have to fall for her… until, that is, the nasty decomposing naked scene. Ballsy move to have the hottie turn into a rotting corpse in the end like that, making her appearance one of the bonus reasons why this flick rocks.

I’ve heard of a bed of nails, but this is ridiculous!

Throw this all together with a kick ass theme song (entitled “Dead Heat”) and Mark Goldblatt’s stellar directorial eye, and you have yourself the ultimate buddy cop action comedy zombie movie! Sure, the premise is ridiculous. Yes, the one-liners get old in their own zany kind of way. And of course the flick’s a little too over the top for its own good. But, don’t you see, that’s what makes DEAD HEAT so damn awesome! Williams charm, Pisopo’s overall goofiness and ape-like features, and a zombified butcher shop makes this 80s action entry one of the greatest action movies featuring zombies of all time.

The trailer for DEAD HEAT!

TOP DEATH: When the evil Dr. McNab meets his bloody demise on the ‘Resurrection Machine’ table, you can smell the ooze burning! It’s gross, it’s disgusting, and yes… it’s totally awesome!

TOP ACTION SCENE: The best single scene in the whole movie is the Chinese restaurant zombie scene. Williams and Piscopo against zombie chickens, ducks, pigs, and yes… even a dismembered cow! This is extreme to the 1000th degree!

TOP HOMOEROTIC MOMENT: Joe Piscopo lays on his comedic persona that makes you like the guy even though he’s totally goofy looking. That said, he also likes wearing T-shirts a few sizes too small to show off his average looking physique.

FEMALE EXPLOITATION: Lindsay Frost as the love interest shows up in nothing but a robe, meaning a sneak-a-boob pops out when you least expect it! That said, she then turns into a rotting corpse, it’s a nude scene that would rival the creepy old lady from THE SHINING.

Excuse me? Do I have something on my face?

Lindsay Frost: Roger, are you hurt? [after Roger’s hand is chopped in half by a meat cleaver]
Roger aka Treat Williams: Lady, I’m f*ckin’ dead.

DRINKING GAME: Every time a dead pun is uttered you have to drink! That Joe Piscopo sure knows how to get you drunk!

Director Mark Goldblatt also directed THE PUNISHER with Dolph Lundgren, and is one of the industries most sought-after film editor’s, nominated for an Oscar for his work on TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY.



Source: AITH

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