It’s the Booze Talkin’; Will Hamill as Chucky bring fans to Child’s Play?

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

It's the booze talkin, Mark Hamill, Child'd Play, AITH, Arrow in the Head, horror,

Just over a month ago, we discussed a certain remake that happens to be coming out this summer. Since then, we’ve had a major announcement out of WonderCon, one that may shift some views on whether they are officially looking forward to CHILD’S PLAY. It seems that the voice that will be coming out of Chucky in the new film is going to be the iconic actor Mark Hamill. Let’s just gather that information for a moment… Mark Hamill, the dude who brought Luke Skywalker to life. As well, the actor has become one of the most successful voiceover talents working today, notably with his take as The Joker in numerous Justice League and Batman animated features, video games and half hour cartoons. I’ll say this, if you are looking to drum up support for a new CHILD’S PLAY flick, this isn’t a bad way to start.

Mark Hamill, Child's Play, Chucky, AITH, It's the Booze Talkin',, Arrow in the Head, horror

Looking at many of the comments in the announcement we made regarding this incredible casting news, many of you are seem far more interested than you were before Hamill was announced. And frankly, I’m in a bit of a balancing act myself with the news. While I love Hamill, there are still the original issues that linger. The reason Brad Dourif became Chucky always appealed to me. Yet in the new film, the best friend till the end is a modernized toy that uses AI technology. And the more I look at the new trailer, the more I get an almost TERMINATOR vibe with old Chuck’s recreation. While the weird curse that placed Charles Lee Ray in the original 1988 film was a little goofy, it worked quite well in context with the story and added a bit of personality to the doll.  In fact, I still really appreciate the kind of fantastical quality that was in the original feature beautifully directed by Tom Holland.

Mark Hamill, Chucky, Child's Play, It's the Booze Talkin', horror, AITH, arrow in the head,

Ever since the original thrilled audiences, Chucky has become a staple in horror. For a few years, Chucky even “slayed” audiences with one-liners at Universal Halloween Horror Nights. This is a character that many of us have grown up with, and probably snuck out to watch all of the movies – even when your parents said not to. For me, much of the appeal came from Mr. Dourif. And with the upcoming SyFy series, there is still more to be had from this incredible actor who will return to play Chucky. So the question is, will Hamill be able to compete with the original? Will audiences embrace his version of this murderous little Good Guy when it hits theatres in June? Perhaps since we have a little time to get used to the idea, it may surprise us all and be a cool ass remake that will sit proudly alongside the original franchise.

Child's Play, Mark Hamill, Chucky, It's the Booze Talkin', AITH, Arrow in the Head,, horror

The best thing about this situation is the fact that we get to see Hamill in another big project that doesn’t have the words STAR WARS in it. While he is of course known as Luke and will be forever, it is nice to see him in something a bit different. As a fan of the actor, I do find myself far more curious about how he will approach the role. While many are concerned that we are going to get a killer toy that sounds a lot like The Joker, I firmly believe that Mark will give it something unique that will distinguish itself from that brilliant take on the Batman villain. And with the enthusiasm the actor tends to bring to his work, I honestly couldn’t imagine a better choice – aside from Dourif of course – to take on the foul mouthed Chucky. Is it just me, or is there something kind of exciting about hearing Hamill get a little down and dirty with the dialogue that he may have?

Child's Play, It's the Booze Talkin', Mark Hamill, Chucky, AITH, Arrow in the Head,, horror

As curious as I am about Hamill, I still cant’ say that this project excites me as much as I’d like it to. Mark is a brilliant choice, and there’s not a doubt in my mind that he will bring something fresh to the performance. In fact, I’d be willing to bet that a number of you who had no intention of seeing the remake will now go see it just out of curiosity. For this viewer however, as cool as this announcement is, it doesn’t quite bring me to the point of anticipation. And yes, I’m still more excited to see what Don Mancini conjures up with the television show. Perhaps it’s just nostalgia, but I am still very happy with the numerous characters that the Chucky movies brought to life, including Tiffany and a few memorable victims and survivors… I especially love that Alex Vincent was back in the game in the later films

It's the Booze Talkin'; Mark Hamill,, AITH, Arrow in the Head, Child's Play, horror, Chucky

Maybe it’s the booze talkin’; but will casting Mark Hamill as Chucky bring fans to the new CHILD’S PLAY? As cool as this casting news is, it hasn’t quite dialed up much more excitement in the remake. It's a brilliant idea, and considering the actors impressive voiceover resume, he really is a solid choice to take on the role – even if I’ve got a little baggage with the new film. Perhaps it will work better than the trailer has for me, and maybe we will be so stunned that we are going to be begging for a sequel and Hamill’s return. That said, while this news makes me happy for Mark Hamill and gives me a bit of curiosity regarding the CHILD'S PLAY remake, I’m not fully sold on the direction they are taking. What do you think? Has this enhanced your excitement for the CHILD’S PLAY? Let us know in the comments below…

Source: Arrow in the Head

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JimmyO is one of’s longest-tenured writers, with him reviewing movies and interviewing celebrities since 2007 as the site’s Los Angeles correspondent.