Date confirmed for online debut of Denis Villeneuve’s Dune trailer!

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

It seems that Warner Bros. upcoming DUNE adaptation from director Denis Villenuve is releasing a trailer in front of Christopher Nolan's TENET in places around the world that are able to watch movies (such as UK and Canada). However, it is currently scheduled to hit online everywhere September 9th. Meawhile, here's a description of the trailer, from Games Radar (via Total Film), if you don't want to wait until then:

The teaser starts with Timothée Chalamet's Paul Atreides standing in a large room, followed by a look at a box. Cut to Rebecca Ferguson's Lady Jessica, Paul's mother, who's holding a needle to Paul's neck.

Dune readers will recognise this as "the box", a nerve induction device that causes the victim to feel intense pain and is used to test self-control. "What's in the box?" asks Chalamet's Paul. The response from a veiled Lady Jessica? "Pain."

Cut to: the sands of Dune and Paul standing on a ship that moves like a dragonfly, all intercut by Chalamet in serious pain from "the box". There are brief looks at House Atreides, Oscar Isaac's Leto Atreides, Zendaya's Chani, and Javier Bardem's Stilgar, who removes a mask. 

Perhaps the most interesting moment comes when a man, who appears to be Stellan Skarsgård as Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, emerges out of some slime. That's followed by a glimpse of a few more characters, including Chang Chen's Dr. Yueh, Sharon Duncan-Brewster's Dr. Liet-Kynes, Dave Bautista's ghostly Glossu Rabban, and Jason Momoa as swordmaster Duncan Idaho. It's a whistlestop tour of some huge names – almost overwhelming. 

We then finish with another look at Paul, who speculators believe is here being accepted by the Fremen, the natives of the desert planet Arrakis. In the books, Paul becomes an outcast and ends up with the Fremen. The trailer ends with a snazzy, animated Dune logo.

And there's the official synopsis for the film:

In the far future of humanity, Duke Leto Atreides accepts stewardship of the dangerous desert planet Arrakis, also known as Dune, the only source of the most valuable substance in the universe, “the spice”, a drug which extends human life, provides superhuman levels of thought, and makes foldspace travel possible. Though Leto knows the opportunity is an intricate trap set by his enemies, he takes his Bene Gesserit concubine Lady Jessica, young son and heir Paul, and most trusted advisers to Arrakis. Leto takes control of the spice mining operation, which is made perilous by the presence of giant sandworms. A bitter betrayal leads Paul and Jessica to the Fremen, natives of Arrakis who live in the deep desert.

DUNE – directed by Denis Villeneuve and starring Timothée Chalamet, Zendaya, Rebecca Ferguson, Oscar Isaac, Stellan Skarsgård, Javier Bardem, Charlotte Rampling, Dave Bautista, David Dastmalchian, Jason Momoa, Stephen Henderson, and Josh Brolin – is still scheduled to hit theaters December 18th…but we'll keep you updated if there are any changes/delays.

So what do you guys think? Fans of DUNE? If so, excited for the upcoming adaptation? Either way, sound off below!


Source: Games Radar (via Total Film)

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