Categories: Horror Movie News

Horror Legends: Subspecies’ Radu added to multiplayer video game

Full Moon Features had announced that a new entry in the Subspecies franchise, to be titled Subspecies V: Blood Rise, would be going into production – but then the pandemic delayed the project. But while we continue to wait for Subspecies V to start filming, the vampire Radu Vladislas has made his return in an expected place: he has been added to October Games’ multiplayer horror video game Horror Legends!

Horror Legends is a 1v3 asymmetrical multiplayer horror game developed by October Games. The game pits a band of humans, titled the Cast, against a powerful monster titled the Legend. The Cast is tasked with finding and activating an escape sigil and surviving for 8 minutes until an escape portal is summoned, while the Legend is tasked with hunting down and killing all Cast members. The Cast may find items and weapons to defend themselves while they wait for their escape and can even kill the Legend if they’re well enough equipped.

Full Moon sent out a message notifying fans that

Radu, the vampire antihero from the SUBSPECIES series is invading the world of Horror Legends as a new playable Legend. Now you too can play as Radu, wielding weapons straight from the film series, such as Radu’s sword and dagger! You can drink from the Bloodstone and become empowered by the blood of saints! Players can summon Radu’s minions to help track your prey and recover from downstate! Heck, you can even play as one of those creepy minions, too!

Anders Hove, who played Radu in all four Subspecies movies, has provided the character’s voice for the game as well.

Until October 1st, Horror Legends is available to purchase through Steam for the price of $9.74. (That price will go up to $14.99 when the sale ends.) The Subspecies DLC is available for an extra $5.99.

I haven’t played Horror Legends, but the video announcing the addition of Radu makes it look like it’d be a lot of fun.

Published by
Cody Hamman