Last Updated on July 31, 2021
BUNNY THE KILLER THING was released on DVD and Blu-ray by Artsploitation Films, in conjunction with FilmRise, this past Tuesday, so if it has been on your radar you might have already picked up a copy. With Easter coming up this weekend, though, we felt it was our duty to inform everyone of this crazy film's existence, just in case you need a bunny-themed horror flick to watch on Sunday.
A Finnish horror comedy filmed mostly in English by director Joonas Makkonen, BUNNY THE KILLER THING is a very inappropriate and irreverent
bloody hilarious spoof that follows a group of young adults who head to a remote cabin for a winter weekend. But soon they are confronted a half man, half creature who is compelled to stick his dangerously large penis into anything that resembles female genitals. Naked women (and men) are forced to flee into the snowy wilderness, Blood is soon shed and all kinds of human orifices are violated as the vocabulary-challenged Mr. Bunny ("Pussy!" is the limit of his words) wreaks havoc on the unsuspecting vacationers.
BUNNY THE KILLER THING goes so far that the press release even comes with a disclaimer:
Artsploitation’s Ray Murray warns concerned parents, cinematic conservatives and sense-of-humor-deprived feminists that Bunny can be seen as a horribly offensive film that wallows in scenes of rape, gratuitous nudity, bloody murders and all forms of sexual depravity. But for amoral genre film fans it is simply a hilarious, inventive and blood-drenched spoof of monster movies… with gratuitous nudity.
The NSFW trailer can be viewed below, and if this movie looks and sounds like your idea of a good time, it can be ordered on disc from Amazon.
A VOD release is scheduled for May 16th.
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