Categories: Movie News

Here’s some behind-the-scenes shots of Pixar’s Inside Out

For those of you seeking something more original from Pixar, one doesn't have to look much further than next year's film, INSIDE OUT. The story itself follows the emotions of a little girl, Riley, which are portrayed by figments in her brain. A few months ago we got to get a sneak peak of the first five minutes of the film, but a few behind-the-scenes pictures are online in case you want a closer look.

This little girl is Riley, in which her mind takes center stage as the location for this journey. These guys are Jonas Rivera (producer) and Pete Docter (director) who also brought us UP. This is an animation test of all the central characters of the film (Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust, and Sadness). Pete talks about the animated style utilized for the film (classic vs realistic).

If you have an account with Disney, you can check out the video which includes the above here (US only I'm afraid). UP is easily one of the greatest animated films (let alone Pixar) ever made, and I'm really digging the concept for their newest story. Disney proper and Dreamworks have been giving Pixar a run for their money with films like FROZEN and HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON, so I'd like to see Pixar show the world how it's done.

INSIDE OUT, featuring the vocal talents of Amy Poehler, Mindy Kaling, Bill Hader, Phyllis Smith, and Lewis Black, will be released on June 19, 2015.

Published by
Sean Wist