Categories: Movie News

Here’s a sneak peek at Pixar’s Lava

If there’s any reason to get to a Pixar film early, it’s to catch whatever short film precedes it. Next year will see the release of INSIDE OUT, in which the story takes place in the mind of a young girl. Before the feature, however, we’ll be treated to a short film that takes place over millions of years and is inspired by the beauty of tropical islands and the allure of ocean volcanoes. Disney UK just dropped a little teaser for it, and you may be surprised at how good of a singing voice a volcano may have.

All you need is lava:

I love the imagery at the end of this clip and can’t wait to see how this story will (inevitably) turn out. That, coupled with the feature of INSIDE OUT, looks to bring some originality back to Pixar which has been sorely lacking these past few years.

Lava, which precedes INSIDE OUT, will be in theaters June 19, 2015.

Published by
Sean Wist