Henry Cavill believes Mission: Impossible prepared him to play James Bond

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

With Daniel Craig set to play James Bond for the fifth and final time in the upcoming Danny Boyle film, the stage is set for someone new to step into the role of England's most famous secret agent. As usual, there are plenty of possibilities out there for a new James Bond, and one name which gets thrown around quite a bit is Henry Cavill. The actor is certainly no stranger to big action franchises and definitely looks the part, and Henry Cavill even told Yahoo Movies UK recently that his recent role in MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE – FALLOUT has done a lot to prepare him for the role, should he be fortunate enough to land it.

After Yahoo Movies UK brought up James Bond as another franchise to add to his collection which already includes the DC Universe and MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE, Henry Cavill laughed. "Ah, James Bond," Cavill said. "I would love to do it of course. I think Bond would be a really fun role. It’s British, it’s cool. I think that now that I have my Mission: Impossible badge we can do real stunts and really amp it up as well. Not to say they weren’t doing real stunts I’m just saying it would be fun for me to actually take what I’ve learnt on this and carry it through to a movie like Bond. I’d love to play a Brit. I don’t get to play a Brit very often. So yes, I would love the opportunity and if they were to ask I would say 'yes'"

Judging by what we've seen from the soon-to-be-released MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE – FALLOUT, Henry Cavill could definitely bring an incredible physicality to Bond, but the actor said that Tom Cruise has made him realize that physicality isn’t enough.

I don’t know if it’s about doing more stunts, I want to do them anyway, but it’s made me realise that physicality isn’t enough. You have to have all these skill sets, it goes way beyond just being tough or wanting to get stuck in. If you can’t fly a helicopter, you can’t fly a helicopter so I’ve left that movie with a list of licences I need to get. Helicopter licence, I’ve got the motorcycle licence, now I just need to learn how to stunt ride it. I need to learn how to drift cars, I need to learn how to do a whole bunch of stuff.

The actor was no stranger to stunts before boarding the MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE franchise, but this film gave him much more of an opportunity to be a part of the "fun stuff." Cavill said that one of the first things he did was approach stunt coordinator Wade Eastwood to let him know that he wanted in on the action. Even if Eastwood thought a stunt was going to be too dangerous, Cavill wanted to be given the chance to learn the skills to do it himself. Production on the next James Bond film is slated to get underway at Pinewood Studios this December. MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE – FALLOUT will hit theaters on July 27th.

Would you like to see Henry Cavill as the next James Bond?

Source: Yahoo Movies UK

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Based in Canada, Kevin Fraser has been a news editor with JoBlo since 2015. When not writing for the site, you can find him indulging in his passion for baking and adding to his increasingly large collection of movies that he can never find the time to watch.