Categories: Movie News

Hellraiser pushed back

This news isn’t mind blowing, but at least now it’s official: the upcoming HELLRAISER remake has been bumped off it’s January 9, 2009, release date. I know… big surprise, right?

Considering we haven’t seen jack shit from the new HELLRAISER (have they even started filming yet?), it’s not surprising that they decided that a release date one month from today would be a bad idea. So the new date? Ah… the ambigious 2009 is the new date. Come on MGM, just pick a date and stick with it already!

About a year ago at this time we were informed it’s release date was going to be September 5, 2008. How wrong we were! Then it was pushed to January 9, 2009, and now it’s pushed back once again. Sheesh–what gives?

Not that I’m totally heartbroken, as I think a remake is a bad idea, but it makes me sad that the studio isn’t backing it up as hard as it should, as playing the release date shuffle is generally not a good thing.

So for now, HELLRAISER will be hitting theaters sometime next year. My suggestion? October… you can’t go wrong with October. Lock in the first weekend of October, which is far enough away from SAW VI not to matter, and then make sure it gets released by then.

Published by
Ammon Gilbert