Hell Night remake

Last Updated on July 27, 2021

I dare you to find a genre fan out there who doesn’t love the good ol slasher flicks of the 80s. From the cheesy flicks that should be down right horrible but we can’t help loving to the really classic stuff, the 80s were filled with good horror movies. Well I’m here to bring you the news of yet another 80s slasher flick being remade.

Come on, don’t act like you didn’t see that coming. Fangoria recently pointed out an article from Entertainment Weekly about the success of PROM NIGHT. In it they mentioned a bunch of other horror remakes currently planned over at Sony, and one of those flicks happens to be a remake of the 1981 slasher HELL NIGHT.

Now I’ve never actually seen HELL NIGHT, but from the sound of the premise and the looks of things, I’m sure I’d love it. The original came from director Tom DeSimone and starred Linda Blair. The synopsis reads: Four college pledges are forced to spend the night in a deserted old mansion where they get killed off one by one by the monstrous surviving members of a family massacre years earlier for trespassing on their living grounds.

Here’s the kicker, Fangoria dropped a quote that Screen Gems president Clint Culpepper gave EW regarding the rating of some horror flicks nowadays:

“If you are going to make a movie for a bunch of kids, you have to make it PG-13. You try not to make a movie for an audience that is older than your protagonist.”

You know… it’s a totally understandable business approach, and it’s been proven correct thanks to some movies .. no real fake cough needed is there? I can just say PROM NIGHT. So you can’t really blame Mr. Culpepper and the other execs who could really care less about their actual product. But come on… the reason all these horror flicks were great back in the day was because they were filled with blood and boobs! I’m sure we can expect some hotties from this PG-13 stuff… but seeing it’s PG-13 they (uncharacteristically of a good horror movie) keep their clothes on.

So there you have it. Another PG-13 remake of an old slasher flick.. not like we didn’t see it coming. We’ll keep you updated once we hear more on the HELL NIGHT remake.

I typed ‘College Sorority’ into Google and this is what I got… works for me!

Source: EW, Fangoria

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