Categories: Movie News

Helgeland on Salt

It seems Sony isn’t entirely pleased with the script Kurt Wimmer wrote for the Phil Noyce directed action thriller SALT, in which Angelina Jolie stars as the titular CIA spy who goes on the run after being accused of being a Russian double agent. According to “Moviehole”, they’re bringing in MYSTIC RIVER and LA CONFIDENTIAL scribe Brian Helgeland to punch up the script with a little good, old-fashioned “doctoring” before the production start date of March 2nd. Actually, it’s not that they’re displeased with the script – they’ve got a solid thriller on their hands – it’s that they want to make sure this bad boy makes serious bank as they want to throw some major muscle behind the film and hope it to be BOURNE-sized franchise. Of course, a lot of upcoming thrillers hope to be BOURNE-sized franchises so we’ll have to wait and see if Helgeland can work his magic.

Published by
Omar Aviles