Cool Horror Gear: Halloween Morphsuit Bonanza!

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

In case you hadn’t noticed, Halloween is JUST around the corner. Yeah,
I know – it’s hard to believe that All Hallow’s Eve has descended upon
us so quickly once again, but I’m not in control of the passage of time
yet. Whether you’re young and hip or old and lame (like me), you’ve got
some sort of spooky gathering to attend, whether it’s leading to an
embarrassing water cooler tale or just handing out loot to the kids who
took the time to wear a costume, you’ve got to have something to
represent your spirit of Halloween!

Okay, anyway – The fine folks over at Morph Costumes reached out to
me when I needed ideas the most, and I’m back here to report my
findings to you. Have you never heard of Morphsuits before? Oh, sure
you have – they’re freaking everywhere,
from TV shows to sporting events. They’re pretty form-fitting, super
comfortable spandex bodysuits that cover every inch of you in thin
fabric. You can see through ’em pretty well, and the packaging even
says you can drink through them (which, let’s face it- might be an
important detail). These things come in all shapes and sizes and
designs, and I have 5 to show off to you.

Here’s the specs – my model (my little cousin/brother Steve Ryan) is
about 185 pounds, and about 6’2 or so. Every costume I was provided was
size XXL, and as you can see, they fit him quite well. Morphsuits are
sized based on height, and fit differently than regular clothes. If
you’re thinking of getting some, keep that in mind.

All photo credit goes to the inimitable Adrian Roy. You can see some of
his other work at

So then, without further ado, let’s get to it!

The Facelift

THOUGHTS: Wow-wee.
This guy’s got a real Leatherface look going- across his whole body. As
you can see, this fellow is stitched together with the skin of the poor
unfortunate souls who wound up crossing his path. This suit is
absolutely full of detail and really impresses. Seriously, just take a
look here
and here
– one photo just doesn’t do this justice.

Fans of sewing, Ed Gein, Freddy Krueger’s
chest of souls. 

Beating Heart Zombie

you don’t just want “another zombie costume”, this one’s pretty
different. Though the picture can’t accurately display it, take a look
where the heart is- you can see it ever-so-slightly. This is part of
the “digital dudz” suit line, where you can slip your phone into a
little pocket in the suit, open an app and boom- pulsating, gross
heart. I really love the sunken eyes on this suit and the bloody
handprints. The only complaint I have is that the zombie is wearing
“pants”, which makes his legs just oddly black from the waist down with
very little detail. Click here
for another shot of this brain-eating
delight as he reaches for you.

Walking Dead lovers, Creative thinkers,
People who love pants


we’re being totally honest here, I can’t recommend this one as my
favorite. Here’s the main reason why – it’s hard to represent a
character who relies so much on animal dimensions like a werewolf does.
The thing is, a werewolf’s head is just so distinctly shaped that it’s
almost hard to tell what exactly you’re looking at. Plus, there’s
little kitty ears attached to the mask which are pretty flimsy and
unimpressive looking. Finally, it’s hard to tell what the fur is
supposed to be, it’s so lightly patterned it almost looks like
camouflage. Take
another look
at the Wolfman to help make up your own

Those who howl at the moon, Twilight
holdovers, David Naughton


guys, this suit is friggin’ awesome. Unfortunately based on the brutal
Amazing Spider-Man 2 film, that’s about the only flaw you’ll see with
this suit. It’s equipped with “zapper” technology, which is essentially
a little QR code patch on Spidey’s hand that when viewed through a
phone app, has webs shooting out of it. Seriously though, these
Morphsuits were MADE for stuff like this. My model said he felt like he
could jump higher and move faster while wearing this, and I believe
that the end result captures that very well. This is a really, really
amazing example of how cool this product really is. The colors and
details just pop off the photo. Check out this
other amazing hero shot

Those bitten by a radioactive spider, People
who like to kiss while upside down, Folks who like to amaze children


Merc with a Mouth shows up to round out our group of costumed freaks,
and who better to end it all? This is another incredible suit – it’s
different from Spidey’s as it almost cel-shaded in style, making it
like a comic book come to life. Ol’ Wayne  Wilson is sure to be
able to wreak some havoc in this thing. Like Spidey’s suit, there’s
another QR Zapper patch on Deadpool’s hand that will make a weapon
appear in his hand when viewed through the app on a smartphone. The
only real issue I have with this suit is that the eyes are just so
squinty, and were hard to line up with my model’s eyes, which makes the
face a little wonky-looking at times. For another look at Deadpool
goofing around, click here.

Those who enjoy breaking the fourth wall,
people who want to be cool before the movie comes out, those with
mischevious spirits

That’s all for now, kids – I hope you might have a better idea of who
you might want to be for Halloween at this point. This only scratches
the surface of the sort of thing offered in Morphsuits, so I highly
encourage you to shop around. Many thanks to the fine folks over at
Morphsuits for providing these suits for our reviews. Oh, and as a
pro-tip to all the dudes out there..besides working out as hard as you
can to try and look your best in one of these, please..make sure you
wear underpants. There’s little left to the imagination here!

Check out the Morphsuits site here!

Source: Morphsuits

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