Guillermo del Toro is famous (infamous?) for stockpiling a bunch of projects he’ll probably never finish in his lifetime (unless, of course, we perfect cryogenic freezing technology). This includes the shelved HELLBOY 3, THE HOBBIT, IN THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS, etc. However, it looks like the next film (after FANTASTIC VOYAGE) will be none other than a documentary about fellow director Michael Mann.
If this seems to come out of nowhere, this tidbit was first revealed at the Lumière Film Festival by Cannes spokesperson Thierry Fremaux while introducing the Director’s Cut of Michael Mann’s film HEAT. It’s still just a rumor, as there’s no confirmation from either party, but it would be wild if it’s actually true. While del Toro’s fantastical style doesn’t emulate Mann’s grittier style the way someone like Nolan’s does, but I can see how they both have a knack for great looking and sounding films. We’ll certainly find out soon enough if this will get made, or get put in the giant pile of del Toro’s other failed projects.
Meanwhile you can see del Toro’s next flick – SHAPE OF WATER – coming out December 8th.