Categories: Horror Movie News

Guillermo del Toro thinks Pacific Rim should mash up with the MonsterVerse

On Twitter today, popular genre filmmaker Guilermo del Toro tweeted out how he (as a fan) – like many fans – would love to see the Jaegers from his Pacific Rim film duke it out with the Kings of the Kaijus, Godzilla and Kong! 

You can see the tweet for yourself below:

Also, as he says, he has no plans for Pacific Rim, and is only geeking out as many of us often do. It's just many of us haven't had the privilege to have as much of an impact on the geek landscape as someone like del Toro has.

Meanwhile, while there are no plans for any Pacific Rim sequels, the MonsterVerse's Godzilla vs. Kong is expected to stomp onto theaters and HBO Max March 26th!

So what do you guys think? Would you like to see that mash up? Either way, sound off below!

Published by
Damion Damaske