Categories: Horror Movie News

Ghostbusters reboot will be scary, according to Paul Feig

We haven’t lacked for GHOSTBUSTERS 3 rumors this past month, mostly thanks to the Sony hack, but much of it has been conjecture, nothing we can really hang our hats on. (Click HERE to catch up.) But today we have some official word from Paul Feig himself regarding the tone, rating and casting for the film.

The director, who is currently writing the film with Kate Dipold, recently spoke to Empire Magazine and cleared a few things up about the new female-friendly flick. CBM was kind enough to transcribe his words for those of us unable to snag a copy.

Regarding the film being a reboot, and not a sequel:

I have too much respect for the original one [to do a sequel]… There’s also the feeling that once the world knows ghosts and has seen them busted on such a large scale, they run the risk of becoming pedestrian. There’s something fun about introducing our world, which has never seen ghosts to the phenomenon of ghosts. I love origin stories and to introduce new characters.

On why he’s going with female protagonists:

A lot of people accused it of being a gimmick. I guess I can see the cynics’ view of it, but for me I just love working with funny women. People said, ‘Why don’t you do a mix?’ I’m just more interested in the idea of lady Ghostbusters. It’s the way my brain works.”

On the film being “scary”:

I want ours to be scarier than the original, to be quite honest. Katie Dipold and I are so focused on wanting to do scary comedy. We don’t want to hold back.”

On the film’s rating:

The reason I do a lot of R-Rated comedies is that you want a movie to feel honest. But the Ghostbusters world doesn’t need that level of swearing. We’ll have to be PG-13 with this one. I would like to make it R-Rated, but I won’t. You want the biggest number of people to watch it and not be put off by it.”

Published by
Eric Walkuski