Ghostbusters Ultimate Collection will add a digital copy of the 2016 reboot after Paul Feig complaint

Ghostbusters, 2016, reboot, ultimate collection, sony pictures, paul feig, ghostbusters ultimate collection

It looks like 2016’s Ghostbusters will be added to the Ultimate Collection Blu-ray set after all. Well….sort of. Paul Feig, director of the 2016 female-led reboot, blasted Sony when his film was excluded from the set but it looks like the studio is compromising by adding the film digitally to the package. reports that, days after Feig’s criticism regarding the exclusion, the film will be included in a digital download for fans who purchase the physical and digital editions of the collection. The set originally included the first two films, Ghostbusters: Afterlife, and hours of bonus and behind-the-scenes footage. Now, if you’re a completist at heart, you can claim the 2016 film as well.

In case you missed it, Feig took to Twitter when he saw that, in honor of the February 1, 2022, home release of Ghostbusters: Afterlife, Sony is releasing an eight-disc Ghostbusters Ultimate Collection to Blu-ray and 4K Ultra HD on the same day. The set includes 1984’s Ghostbusters and 1989’s Ghostbusters II, along with Reitman’s 2021 film, which served as a direct sequel to the 1984 film. Missing from this set was Feig’s 2016 film which starred Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate Mckinnon, Leslie Jones, and Chris Hemsworth. Feig did share his thoughts on social media while also pointing out that the original film’s stars, Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd, and Ernie Hudson, also appear in his movie. You can check out Feig’s Twitter post below:

What are YOUR thoughts on Sony adding a digital copy of the 2016 film to the Ultimate Collection set?


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