Categories: Movie News

Get your first look at Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe in The Nice Guys

Many of us love Shane Black's KISS KISS BANG BANG, which is why we should be very excited for his upcoming film THE NICE GUYS, which Black calls a "spiritual sequel" to KISS KISS BANG BANG and a "half whimsical private-eye movie." The folks over at People Magazine recently had a little chat with Shane Black and he revealed a few details of what we can expect from THE NICE GUYS.

It is an R-rated film and it's a caper, it's a little fast, a little funny and a little rough in places, kind of coarse. These guys are working-class dudes, they're not really sophisticated private detectives, so it's a chance to do the kind of thriller I don't see too much of anymore.

People also landed our first look the two main characters, struggling private-eye Holland March (Ryan Gosling) and hired enforcer Jackson Healy (Russell Crowe). Check them out in all their 70's goodness!

Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe's characters are two "working-class dudes who are forced to work together to solve the case of a missing girl and death of a porn star – an investigation that uncovers a surprising conspiracy with major ramifications for those in the highest positions of power." Black had nothing but praise for his cast, but he singled out just how impressed he was when Russell Crowe took to the comedic elements "like a fish to water," and added "whether this thing is a comedy with action or a thriller with jokes, one thing that's very clear is these two are extremely funny. People will enjoy seeing the two of them."

THE NICE GUYS arrives in theaters on May 20, 2016.

Published by
Kevin Fraser