Categories: Movie News

Get another taste of what’s to come in the lastest Game of Thrones preview

I assume if you’re checking out this article then you must be caught up on GAME OF THRONES. If you’re not, might I direct you to something else that you might enjoy? I say this because there are definitely some spoilers that could ruin things for you if you aren’t far enough in the game.

That said, is everyone ready for Sunday? I sure as shit am! I can’t wait to pour some yummy beer into my Ommegang GAME OF THRONES glass and soak in the goodness. I’m not far enough in the books to debate what might be coming this season, and thankfully no one has ruined anything for me yet. I will say that have been guilty of asking some questions and wanting vague answers. Sorry, I couldn’t wait forever! It’s so hard!

This new preview titled “Two Swords” has a nice bit of new footage for you to check out. There’s one part in particular that made me shake my head, but I’ll let you figure it out.

Any predictions for this season?

GAME OF THRONES premieres April 6, 2014.

Published by
Niki Stephens