DC Universe, DC Entertainment's upcoming streaming service, grew a little larger today as Geoff Johns revealed during San Diego Comic-Con that he will be writing and executive-producing a live-action TV series centered around Stargirl. Set to debut in 2019, the series will tell the story of high-school sophomore Courtney Whitmore who inspires an unlikely group of young heroes to stop the villains of the past and reimagines the classic superhero team the Justice Society of America. In the series, Courtney's mother remarries and moves to a new town where she discovers that her step-father was a superhero a long time ago.
Geoff Johns and Lee Moder created Stargirl, who first appeared in Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. #1 in 1999, and based the character on Johns' sister, Courtney, who died in the explosion of TWA Flight 800 in 1996. Johns recently stepped down from his role as DC's chief creative officer, and said that he wouldn't have been able to have developed the Stargirl series if he still held that position."It’s so personal for me, and to create and run my show … this is the kind of opportunity that I’ve couldn’t have had if I had stayed in that role," Johns said. "This is based on my sister. The character is fun and optimistic. It's about bringing back the legacy of the Justice Society." Johns added that the 13-episode series will be a PG-13 show, meaning that Robin isn't likely to burst in and growl "f**k Batman" anytime soon. Well, maybe once.
As the latest DC Universe series, Stargirl will join the ranks of Swamp Thing, Doom Patrol, Metropolis, Harley Quinn, Young Justice: Outsiders, and Titans. DC Entertainment recently unveiled the subscription prices for their upcoming streaming service, which includes digital comics, library content, and a social-media element and will launch this fall, and it will cost you $74.99 annually with monthly subscriptions available for $7.99.