Categories: Horror Movie News

Friday the 13th legal battle (probably) ends in June 2020!

For those of you out there that might not know, actor Larry Zerner has become a lawyer in the years since starring as Sheldon P. Finkelstein (aka the fat kid who gave Jason his hockey mask) in director Steve Miner's FRIDAY THE 13TH PART III. He has been graciously keeping all of us FRIDAY THE 13TH fans up on all the developments regarding the whole Sean S. Cunningham vs Victor Miller FRIDAY THE 13TH: LEGAL F*CKFEST.

And today he tweeted an update, saying that there will probably be a decision made by June 2020.

Specifically, he tweets:

Update in Horror, Inc. v. Miller (#Fridaythe13th case). The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals has proposed oral arguments for the week of February 10th, 2020. This means there will probably be a decision by June 2020.

Thank the f*cking Lord!

This update comes on the heels of Zerner letting us know back in June that this FRIDAY THE 13TH: LEGAL F*CKFEST could keep the franchise on ice for another two years! Well, at least today we're hearing it won't take THAT long. But even once everything is sorted out we still have to, you know, wait for the powers that be behind the scenes to, you know, MAKE a new film or TV series or whatever. So that's ANOTHER two years right there.

Heaven help us. 

As always we will stay on top of updates regarding Sean S. Cunningham & Victor Miller's FRIDAY THE 13TH: LEGAL F*CKFEST and make sure to pass along any further updates as we hear them. Until then you can just go ahead and snag the first 8 films in the series on Blu-ray right HERE.

Published by
Mike Sprague