Categories: Horror Movie News

Paranormal Activity reboot coming from Freaky’s Christopher Landon

A couple of weeks ago, we let a story slip about the future of the up-until-now dormant found-footage horror franchise PARANORMAL ACTIVITY, whose last entry was 2015's PARANORMAL ACTIVITY: THE GHOST DIMENSION.

Now, according to an interview with Dread Central's Michelle Swope, writer-director Chirstopher Landon (HAPPY DEATH DAY, FREAKY) confirmed that he's apparently writing the screenplay (but not directing) an upcoming reboot of the franchise, as he's either written or co-written every PARANORMAL ACTIVITY entry, save for the first and last ones.

Here's what Landon had to say about the project, including the fact that an exciting (unfortunately unnamed) director is circling the project:

I’m writing the new Paranormal Activity movie; we’re rebooting that franchise…I’m super excited about the director, but I can’t say who it is because they won’t let me [laughs]. He’s a get. He’s awesome! [Also] I think people are going to be really surprised by where we’re taking this thing.

Obviously no official start or release dates announced, but we'll keep you updated!

So what do you guys think? Fans of the PARANORMAL ACTIVITY franchise? If so, looking forward to more? Either way, sound off below!

Published by
Damion Damaske