Categories: Movie News

Fox pulls Fantastic Four sequel from its release schedule

Fantastic Four Josh Trank Michael B. Jordan Miles Teller Kate Mara BannerFantastic Four Josh Trank Michael B. Jordan Miles Teller Kate Mara Banner

Although a couple of months FANTASTIC FOUR co-writer and producer Simon Kinberg said he was “really focused” on the sequel, it looks like Fox has pulled the planned film from its release schedule. The follow-up was originally set to hit theaters on June 9, 2017, however it was recently changed to “TBD” over at Box Office Mojo. WORLD WAR Z 2 is now the only movie currently scheduled to open on that date.

Fox hasn’t officially announced that the sequel has been cancelled, but with FANTASTIC FOUR bombing with critics and at the box office, obviously the studio needs to figure out what the want to do next with Marvel’s first family. I don’t know if the studio will want to do another reboot with a new cast of actors playing the foursome, but some seem to think reintroducing the superhero team in a future X-Men flick before giving them another movie could be a good move. Besides giving the film rights back to Marvel (which I doubt is going to happen anytime soon), what do you think Fox should do with franchise?

FANTASTIC FOUR will arrive on Blu-ray and DVD on December 15th.

Published by
Jesse Giroux