Categories: Horror Movie News

Found Footage 3D coming to Shudder this Halloween in 3D

Way back in March we brought you guys the awesome VHS-style poster for FOUND FOOTAGE 3D, a film that I'm really excited to check out. The title alone makes me double chuckle.

Anyhow, the film has been in release limbo for about as long as I can remember so it pleases me to finally break the news that FOUND FOOTAGE 3D will be hitting Shudder starting October 26th.

Not only that but the film will be available in 3D side-by-side (for 3D televisions and VR), and red-blue anaglyph 3D. Haha! I love it.

You can read our review of the film RIGHT HERE. And peep the trailer below, and then let us know what you think on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!

FOUND FOOTAGE 3D synopsis:

When he's hired to document the behind-the-scenes action of the ultra low-budget horror movie Spectre of Death ("the first 3D found-footage horror film"), an aspiring filmmaker packs up his camera and travels with the film's crew to a creepy cabin in the woods. But when the fictional evil presence from their film begins appearing in his behind-the-scenes footage, he has to figure out how to stop it, or it just may find its way into the real world.

In the same way that Scream deconstructed the slasher sub-genre in the 1990s, FF3D takes a found-footage horror movie and populates it with people who are aware of all of the rules, tricks, and clichés of the genre. They know how to make a found footage movie. But do they know how to survive one?

FOUND FOOTAGE 3D stars Carter Roy (REFUGE), Alena von Stroheim (HACKER'S GAME), Chris O'Brien (Alpha House), Tom Saporito (OFF CAMPUS), Scott Allen Perry, Jessica Perrin, and online journalist Scott Weinberg.

FOUND FOOTAGE 3D hits Shudder in 2D and 3D starting October 26th.

Published by
Mike Sprague