Forget 4DX. The Maze Runner to debut on Barco Escape 270 degree screens

We brought you the news of the latest theater gimmick known as 4DX that includes moving seats and other sensory enhancements to make the film-going experience more interactive. Well, now there is another gimmick coming to theaters this weekend with THE MAZE RUNNER.

Barco Escape screens will add to the immersive theater experience by adding two additional side screens to create a 270 degree viewing range. There are currently only five theaters in North America and one in Belgium using the technology, one of which is close to me in the Chicago area. Ted Schilowitz runs Barco Escape and had this to say about the new technology.

“It’s ginormous. It’s actually multiple screens wrapped around your full field of view. So in this particular theatre in Woodridge you’re probably looking at a 35-foot screen in front and thirty foot screens on the side. So it’s quite gigantic,”

Currently, there is no additional cost to see a movie projected in the format but that could change if it catches on with audiences. It does require the filmmaker to shoot additional material for the side screens. Only about five minutes of THE MAZE RUNNER was filmed to take advantage of the side screens.

Much like wider aspect ratios or IMAX, Barco Escape could be a niche format that would make some films even cooler. Can you imagine something like STAR WARS with the added side screens or the massive battle sequences from LORD OF THE RINGS? It may be cool but definitely a gimmick. If you live near one of the cities showcasing THE MAZE RUNNER in the new format, let us know how it is.

THE MAZE RUNNER opens this Friday.

Source: Barco Escape

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6093 Articles Published

Alex Maidy has been a editor, columnist, and critic since 2012. A Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic and a member of Chicago Indie Critics, Alex has been's primary TV critic and ran columns including Top Ten and The UnPopular Opinion. When not riling up fans with his hot takes, Alex is an avid reader and aspiring novelist.