Categories: Movie News

Foreign language translations state The Last Jedi is plural

A month ago, Lucasfilm revealed the title of EPISODE VIII to be STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI. Since then, everyone has been discussing who the title might be referring to, and whether or not it's the singular use of the word, "Jedi." Well, it looks as though we're one step closer to solving that riddle, as foreign language translations of the title reveal it to be plural. The Spanish title is LOS ULTIMOS JEDI, and the plural use also carries over to other languages, like Portuguese, German, and Italian, to name a few. Let the speculation begin anew!

For those who want a head-start, I actually wrote up a piece about the title and who it may refer to, of which you can check out HERE. I know there were some who vehemently disagreed that the title could be plural, and to those I say, "Eat it!" Given that the end of FORCE AWAKENS leads us to believe that Luke will be training Rey, that's certainly the most obvious definition of the title. Still, knowing Lucasfilm, they probably have a few tricks up their sleeves. Let us know what YOU think!

STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI will open in theaters on December 15, 2017.

Published by
Sean Wist