Last Updated on August 3, 2021

Welcome back, fans of the freakish! This is the Face-Off and, much like every year, this session we have a special Halloween edition for you, but this time you won’t find mask-wearing killers, blood-drenched beasties or head-spinning schoolgirls anywhere near here. This year we’re going all minimalist, and will be facing-off two “found footage” giants that caused nightmares for years, and rode humble beginnings to box office glory: THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT and PARANORMAL ACTIVITY
Though the “found footage” style existed well before either of these movies, they both used the style to haunting effect by placing audiences in a horrific, realistic scenario and forced them to confront terror as if they’re experiencing it first-hand. That’s a lot to put audiences through, but it makes for the perfect horror experience. But only one here can be the ultimate master of hand-held horror and the supreme harbinger of nightmares. Find out who below…if you dare!
Three aspiring filmmakers venture into the woods near Burkittsville, Maryland to do a documentary about the legend of the Blair Witch. What starts off as an exploration of a myth soon turns into a real-life quest for survival, as the entity(ies) that haunts the forest taunt the trio who find themselves lost in the seemingly endless woods.
There wasn’t so much a script for this movie as there were guidelines that the cast had to follow as they trekked across the forest. They were left instructions in 35 mm film cans left inside milk crates that would give them clues as to where to go next. They would also be left instructions in terms of where to take the scenes in terms of emotion and content, and the cast would improvise from there.
In order to investigate and document the strange occurrences going around their home, a man named Micah begins recording their daily activities and leaves the camera running at night, where the brunt of activity happens. Katie, his girlfriend who has been experiencing these “hauntings” all her life, reluctantly agrees to all this, all before the activity gets too severe and a wedge develops between the two. Things soon escalate beyond their control, and they learn this is no ordinary haunting.
Like Blair Witch there was no real script, and Peli simply gave them guidelines as to where to take the scene over the course of shooting, which allowed the duo to improv dialogue.
Getting Ready for Adventure
Filming the Doc
Interviewing the Townsfolk
The Tale of Molly Brown
Into the Woods
Trouble Brews
Second Night/The Terror Begins
Noises in the Dark
Brewing Tensions
Noises Begin to Intensify
The Rock Piles
Missing Map
Mike Comes Clean
Mike: “It’s fucked up but I kicked that fucking map into the creek yesterday! It was useless! I kicked that fucker into the creek!”
Blair Witch Symbols
The Tent is Attacked
Walking in Circles
Josh is Losing His Mind
Josh: It’s like a totally filtered reality. It’s like you can pretend everything’s not quite the way it is.
Josh Disappears
Josh’s Screams in the Night
Leftover Josh
Giving Up Hope
The Waterwork Confessional
Heather: I just want to apologize to Mike’s mom, Josh’s mom, and my mom. And I’m sorry to everyone. I was very naive. I am so so sorry for everything that has happened. Because in spite of what Mike says now, it is my fault. Because it was my project and I insisted. I insisted on everything. I insisted that we weren’t lost. I insisted that we keep going. I insisted that we walk south. Everything had to be my way. And this is where we’ve ended up and it’s all because of me that we’re here now – hungry, cold, and hunted. I love you mom, dad. I am so sorry. What is that? I’m scared to close my eyes, I’m scared to open them. We’re gonna die out here.
The House
Searching for Josh
Trapped in a Corner
Playing with the Camera
Suburban Life
First Night
The Psychic Arrives
Micah: What if we just get this Ouija board and we find out what it wants and then we give it what it wants? Then it’s gone.
The Psychic: Because what it probably wants is Katie.
Night #3/The Door Moves
Taunting the Demon
Night #5/The First Loud Bang
Going Through the Audio
Taunting #2
Night #13/The Scream and Bang
Tensions Begin to Boil
EVP Session
The Demon Grunt
Sleep Staring
The Ouija Board
Micah: I promised you I wasn’t going to buy a Ouija board. I didn’t buy a Ouija board. I borrowed a Ouija board.
Footsteps in the Powder
Photo in the Attic
Micah: It’s just, I’m in control, I’m making progress.
Katie: No, you haven’t been having any progress, and you’re not in control. It is in control, and if you think you’re in control, then you’re being an idiot!
The Psychic Bails
Dragged Away
A Bloody Cross
A Change of Heart
The Final Night
Thrown into the Camera
Staring into the Eyes of a Demon
- $140 million ($248 million global)
- Rotten Tomatoes 86% (56% audience)
- IMDB: 6.4
- Metacritic:81 (6.9 audience)
- $107 million ($193 million global)
- Rotten Tomatoes 83% (56% audience)
- IMDB: 6.3
- Metacritic:68 (5.8 audience)
I remember traveling one state over to go see PARANORMAL ACTIVITY before it finally went wide a couple weeks later, and I have never before or after had such a terrifying moviegoing experience. I had never seen anything that used the horrifying power of silence so well, and it had a genuine impact on me. Though it will never be as scary as when I first saw it, it holds up shockingly well because of it utilizes the hand-held style and dishes out the scares, but also because it’s easy actually care about the characters and what they’re going through. It all makes for a more realistic, and therefore more absorbing experience. BLAIR WITCH scared the hell out of me too when I was younger, and it’s certainly a classic because of the impact it had when it came out, and that it must’ve had a similar effect on audiences back then as PA did on folks in 2009. But as the years have gone on, it hasn’t aged all that well. The scares don’t have the same power, the character work doesn’t have a lot of places to go (and can sometimes be a little too over-the-top), and after a while, which can dull the whole experience. BWP will always be creepy, but there’s something relatable about PA that, at least for me, means it will always have the upper hand as time goes on: The dark can be a frightening place, and PA seeps into your mind and proves that the silence can be truly terrifying. This is why Netflix has basically become the adult version of the nightlight.
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