Directed by John Krasinski, A QUIET PLACE: PART II finds The Abbot Family (Emily Blunt, Millicent Simmonds & Noah Jupe) on the road in a world ravaged by monsters who hunt based on sound. They soon find that as they explore more of the outside world, the monsters may not be the only threats to watch out for. The sequel also introduces Cillian Murphy and Djimon Hounsou as fellow survivors who may also pose a different kind of threat than the monsters that have taken over life as they know it.
A QUIET PLACE was a pleasant surprise when it was released two years ago and I was pretty reluctant when a sequel was announced, thinking it was purely motivated by all the money the film made. Judging from these first reactions it appears that John Krasinski, who also takes over full screenwriting duties on the sequel, had a new idea that works without feeling like a total retread. We'll get to find out for ourselves when A QUIET PLACE: PART II opens on March 20, 2020, but for now, you can start reading some of the early reactions below.