| Review Date: Director: David Fincher Writer: Jim Uhls Producers: Ross Bell, Cean Chaffin, Art Linson Actors: Brad Pitt Edward Norton Helena Bonham Carter |
Most importantly, besides all of the philosophical poignancies of this film, is the fact that the movie entertained me thoroughly. It had a Fincher-feel (We could say that now), many unique ways of presenting the film’s developments, a dark, brooding look, excellent portrayals by all of the actors involved, a pounding soundtrack, which I wish they had utilized to a stronger degree, black humor (!), and a conclusion which can only make you want to see the film all over again. Toss all that in with plenty of LOST HIGHWAY-type touches, homosexual undertones, and oh yes…a hot, steaming plate of the ol’ ultra-violence!! Unlike some people, I do not think any of the violence in this film was overdone, in fact, once you understand the message of the film, you should truly be able to appreciate its precise raison-d’etre. It’s not even about the fight clubs themselves (Nuff said)! Another thing I loved about this film is its trailer, which thankfully gave us very little about the plot, and left so much more to the imagination. Excellent appetizer! Another sign of a great film is when it has me chattering it up with my buddies afterwards. FIGHT CLUB kept us yapping for hours on end. Figuring this thing out, then another thing, and yet another. Very cool!
One piece of advice that I will hand over to people who have yet to see this film is that you should go in with a completely open mind. It is very important for you, much like the main character in this film, to flush all of your preconceptions and expectations of a film. See it as a painting and study its texture while discovering its many sorted hidden messages. Or better yet…see it so that you could check out Brad Pitt’s crazy six-pack abs!! Wow, what a man and whatta movie! See it or I’ll have to fight you in the parking lot after work!