Categories: Movie News

Fans are calling Batman Returns the ultimate Christmas movie

Christmas is now a couple of days behind us and I’m sure many of us took in some of our favorite holiday classics leading up to the day or on the day. There are a slew of traditional Christmas movies that are fan favorites to watch on Christmas Day like Home Alone, A Christmas Story, and Christmas Vacation, to name a few, but there are also some unconventional choices that rank pretty high as well. Die Hard and Gremlins tend to fall under this category but another choice trended on Twitter on Christmas Day and that was 1992’s Batman Returns.

Unconventional Christmas movies tend to be films where the theme of Christmas isn’t a part of the main narrative but the holiday is present during the movie. Batman Returns isn’t about Christmas but it does take place during the holiday season and director Tim Burton’s visual aesthetic fully captures the whimsical Christmas vibe. Fans were watching Batman Returns in droves on Christmas Day and many of them were declaring that the Batman sequel is required holiday viewing. You can check out some of the posts below!

Like many of these fans, I also watch Batman Returns on Christmas Day because I too believe it’s a Christmas movie. It’s cool to see Batman Returns make gains in popularity year after year because, although the film was successful at the time of its release, it didn’t reach the financial heights of its 1989 predecessor and its darker themes made it a tough sell as the film was being marketed to kids and many parents were a little upset by some of the more suggestive material in the movie. It’s all a bit tame now but in 1992, it raised some eyebrows. Now, here we are with 2021 soon to end and it’s being lauded as a Christmas classic. Funny how time changes things.

Do YOU think Batman Returns is the ultimate Christmas movie?

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