Categories: Movie News

Fallen seen & spoiled

Sentient robot wrangler Michael Bay recently descended on Japan to unveil his latest explosion concerto TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN and some lucky sod was there to provide us with the film’s first unofficial review. He posted his thoughts on Don Murphy’s messageboards but only click if you’re prepared for significant SPOILERS (the board is down at the moment but Cinema Blend managed to snag the text of the review – again, SPOILERS). Here’s some non-spoilery things he said: “The Twins were lame. As in the “bust a cap in you ass” stereotype. I could’ve done without them. Jetfire was comic relief. He has a British accent and reminded me of a Monty Python character.” The Fallen gets his revenge on June 24th. PS: Pics of Fox (and others) at the Japan premiere HERE.

Published by
Omar Aviles