Categories: Movie News

Exclusive Cool Video: What August release are you most looking forward to?

We're heading into the final month of the summer movie season, which is typically kind of barren with a few decent releases, but things are looking a little more interesting for 2014. We evaluate them all in video form, this time adding in our own anticipation meter to rank our interest in each. Marvel kicks off August with GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, which is getting great reviews across the board (ours here!) and looks to be another win in their favor. Following that is a good number of compelling bigger budget popcorn choices, from TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES to SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR to THE EXPENDABLES 3 to THE GIVER to INTO THE STORM. On the comedy front there's the buddy-cop flick LET'S BE COPS and the zombie comedy LIFE AFTER BETH, while those seeking more dramatic fare can enlist for THE 100-FOOT JOURNEY, WHEN THE GAME STANDS TALL, IF I STAY, and ARE YOU HERE. Lastly, Pierce Brosnan is back kicking ass in THE NOVEMBER MAN, which makes me pretty damn happy for the former Bond.

Let us know what you're most excited for or include YOUR OWN anticipation meter rankings below!

Published by
Paul Shirey